International clearance
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This international clearance is for any player who is 18+ at the time of registration regardless of citizenship and who last participated in organized soccer with a club/team/league outside of the United States.



  • 18+ ITC Request Form
  • ONE (1) Proof of Nationality document is required
  • Proof of Nationality documents limited to:

o   Passport

o   Visa

o   Permanent Resident Card



A complete application includes the following as described below:

  • All fields completed
  • Current and accurate information
  • Individual documents/attachments in PDF format no larger than 5MB


Applications with missing, incomplete, inaccurate/wrong information, improper formatting will not be considered for review and applicant will be required to resubmit for processing.


For this type of international clearance:

  • Player Status must submit all ITC requests via the FIFA TMS platform.
  • First time player entry in FIFA TMS - If player information is being inputted for the first time , player details must first be confirmed by releasing Member Association (MA)  in TMS.
  • There is no timeline regarding the time in which the releasing MA has to confirm player details.
  • Once the releasing MA confirms player details Player Status submits the ITC request in TMS. 


Once eligibility is determined, Player Status will notify the applicant and those copied on the original submission.

FIFA regulations, the releasing MA has seven (7) days to respond to U.S. Soccer.  Player is eligible to register with the requesting club/team/league if:

  •  The releasing MA approves the ITC and transfers the certificate to U.S. Soccer


  • The releasing MA does not respond to the request and on the eighth (8th) day FIFA TMS will provide U.S. Soccer the option to record a provisional clearance.


If the application received by Player Status contains incorrect information, i.e. incorrect previous club name, the releasing MA will reject the player details and ITC request.  Applicant will be required to resubmit an updated application.


Please note, Player Status is unable to provide/respond to status updates requests. Once an application has an update, all relevant parties will be notified accordingly.