Amateur Ecosystem feedback


We’re excited about the future of soccer in this country. Along with the rest of the soccer ecosystem, we actively participated in the process to create the pillars and core philosophies of the U.S. Soccer strategic vision shared publicly this month.

As the representatives of four of the largest national amateur soccer organizations, we are kicking off a call for feedback from the youth and adult amateur soccer landscape consistent with the U.S. Soccer core philosophy of “collaboration is a force multiplier” around how amateur soccer is organized to the strategic vision. What are the barriers to growth and positive, safe environments for all? How can our scale serve to drive meaningful investment to grow the soccer economy? Are we organized in the right way to support? How can we best support the goals of developing winning national teams?

Please share your thoughts here. Additionally, we will be discussing with our respective boards, members and staff. We have requested the U.S. Soccer team to support collecting this feedback and will provide key updates and next steps over the coming weeks and months.

Mike Cullina
CEO, US Club Soccer

Michael Karon
President, American Youth Soccer Organization

John Motta
President, United States Adult Soccer Association

Pete Zopfi
Chair, US Youth Soccer

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