Title NEXT Pledge


In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the signing into law of Title IX, enacting legislation that would eventually positively impact women’s sports and inspire female athletes in ways never thought possible, U.S. Soccer honors how far we’ve come, and pledges to be a driving force for what’s to come in the next 50 years. Here’s what’s NEXT:


  • All women and girls will have safe, positive environments in which to play the sports they love.
  • Women and girls, regardless of socio-economic status, race or gender identity, will have equal access to sport and participation numbers will be equal to men and boys participation numbers. 
  • All women’s sports will be as well-funded and attended as well as their male sports counterparts. 
  • Women will hold at least 50% of General Manager, Head Coach and C-Suite roles within all sports organizations. 
  • Media coverage of women’s sports will equal media coverage of men’s sports, and the media will continue to shift its narrative in the way it shows/talks/messages women sports, focusing on the athletes and the competition.

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